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Designed and Coded by Jennifer Griffin

Image of Landing Page about Monarch Butterflies

Mock Landing Page - Monarch Butterflies

This is the ground-breaking, first-ever project I have coded. The subject of butterflies is something I am passionate about. I hope to teach you a little and lead you to find out more by clicking on the working links to legit websites. The links take you to websites that either provide you more information or allow you to donate to the cause. The "Learn More" button provides an alert. Since the Backend has not been created, your email address will not be stored and the request for additional information will not be processed. Perhaps at a later date, the Backend will be created and the page will become more responsive.

This project is built with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. The Mock Landing Page is hosted on Netlify and open-sourced on GitHub.

Launch Landing Page

Vanilla Js Weather App

Ever needed to check the weather? This app will check the weather for the city you type into the search. By choosing the current button, weather conditions are displayed for your current location using longitude and latitude. This app will provide current conditions, a 3-hour increment temperature for checking the rest of the day and a 4-day outlook. Temperatures can be in either Celsius or Fahrenheit measures. Date, time and City requested are also displayed.

This app is built using HTML5, CSS3, Vanilla Javascript, APIs, Bootstrap, a Geo Location function and a Celsius/Fahrenheit Conversion function. It is hosted on Netlify and open-sourced on GitHub.

Launch Vanilla Js Weather
Image of Weather App coded with Vanilla Javascript
Image of Weather App built using React

React Weather App

This isn't just another weather app. It is built entirely different. It is built using React. This app will check the weather for the city searched. It will provide date, time, city, current conditions, an hourly temperature for check for the day and a 5-day outlook. Animating weather icons have been added. Only the main temperature will convert to either Celsius or Fahrenheit; the others are in celsius at this time. This app will be improved upon by adding state management implemented by Redux for all temperature conversion. Check back to see the update.

This app was built using CSS3, JSX, React, APIs, Bootstrap, Loops, States and C°/F° Conversion function. It is hosted on Netlify and open-sourced on GitHub.

Launch React Weather

React Dictionary App

Increase your vocabulary. What does the word mean and are there multiple definitions? How do you pronounce it? And how is it used? The answers can be found with this app. Type in a word and take in all the information displayed through its API. There might even be visuals to help convey the definition.

This app is built with CSS3, JSX, React, APIs, Bootstrap. It has an Audible element to hear how to pronounce the word. It is hosted on Netlify and open-sourced on GitHub.

Launch Dictionary
Image of Dictionary App built using React